Women Connecting Deeply with God and with one another

What We Do


    We convene conferences, and workshops with qualified keynote speakers to equip and train women in leadership by helping them maximize the influence that they already have with their family, friends, co-workers, and neighbours, in their communities and countries, and across the world.

    We believe that every woman is a woman of influence whether she serves in a recognized leadership role or ordinary, everyday ways. Whether she’s aware of her influence or not, she is a leader and Empowered Women is here to encourage and equip her.

    We also provide training for the local women groups on topics such as Wealth Creation, financial best practices, Parenting, Single Mum, and more.


    The Founder and President of Empowered Women is a Prophet and Intercessor who relentlessly pursues God's heart and will through strategic, intercessory prayer.

    The Prophetic Prayer Ministry was birthed out of her passion for bringing together dedicated believers to pray over specific prayer targets with the expectation of seeing God move in a mighty way that will transform family, the church body, our community, and the nations of the world.


    Empowered Women partners with Digging Well in the building hygienic toilets, clean water and improved sanitation at Schools in Africa

    The improved sanitation awareness facilities projects at schools in the poor areas of sub-Saharan Africa is creating healthy lifestyles and ending the needless deprivation and suffering experienced by young people using Pit Latrines with faeces that causes infections and diseases and the drinking of dirty water that causes waterborne illnesses.

    The work is also reducing needless barriers to children’s attendance and performance. The provision of these amenities is increasing school enrolment rates and promoting gender equality. Empowered Women believe education empowers children and human beings and prevents the poverty cycle


Empowered Women aims to be a leading agent of gender equality by inspiring women to build a prosperous, secure and enabling environment for them to reach their potential through our weekly TV broadcast Social Media Content Creation and regular Christian-based blog.

  • You can watch Dr Liz Omole's broadcast “Empowered Women” on Faith World TV every Sunday from 4.30 PM and also at 11.00 PM.

  • Empowered Women is active on various social media platforms.

    We post educative and inspiring content on videos and writtings.

  • Dr. Liz keeps a blog, keeping you up to date with everything she is doing through Empowered Women.

    She also includes blogs to help you grow and mature towards your God-given destiny.

Empowered Women